quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2011


Usamos a forma imperativa para dar ORDENS, INSTRUÇÕES, CONSELHOS e ADVERTÊNCIAS.

Para fazermos a forma afirmativa usamos somente o verbo.


            Wash the dishes! (Lave os pratos)
            Slow down.        (Devagar / Calma!)
            Watch out!         (Atenção / Preste atenção!)

Para fazermos a forma negativa usamos DON'T ou DO NOT + VERBO.


            Don't ask me anything. (Não me pergunte nada.)
            Don't go fast.               (Não vá rápido.)
            Don't smoke.               (Não fume.)
            Don't cry, please!         (Não chore, por favor.)

            Observação: A palavra PLEASE (por favor) é usada com o imperativo para indicar gentileza ao dar ordens ou fazer pedidos. Pode vir no começo ou no fim da frase.

            Exemplos:       Sit down, please! (Sente-se, por favor.)       ou        Please, sit down.



Doing the dishes

Nicky:             Come here, Steve!
Steve:              Yes, honey!
Nicky:             Give me a hand with the dishes!
Steve:              Ok, but don't ask me to dry them.
Nicky:             All right, just wash the dishes and I dry them.
Steve:              Is this bowl expensive?
Nicky:             Why?
Steve:              Because I think that I can break it!
Nicky:             That's OK, Steve. Get lost!
Steve:              Don't get nervous! I'm just kidding!
Nicky:             Stop Steve! I don't like this.
Steve:              Sorry, honey!
Nicky:             Don't worry! I'm OK.


1 - Transforme as seguintes instruções em negativas. Siga o exemplo:

Sit here.                                  Don´t sit here.

Write an e-mail                       __________________________
Talk to me.                             __________________________
Prepare your coffee.               __________________________
Dance with me.                      __________________________
Study this lesson.                   __________________________
Call your boyfriend now.         __________________________

2 - Faça o oposto. Transforme as intruçoes negativas em afirmativas:

Don´t put your finger here.        Put your finger here.
Don´t send this letter.                __________________________.
Don´t drink too much.              __________________________.
Don´t speak in class.                __________________________.
Don´t write here.                     __________________________.
Don´t touch  me.                     __________________________.

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