quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2011

Simple Present (Presente Simples) - Part II

Nesta parte estudaremos o uso do presente simples para a terceira pessoa dop singular:



Conforme já expliquei na primeira postagem sobre o presente simples, (Clique aqui para ver sobre Simple Present - Part I) nas frases afirmativas não será necessário o uso de verbo auxiliar. Porém no caso da terceira pessoa do singular precisamos acrescentar "S" no final do verbo. È interessante ressaltar que a letra "S" no final do verbo indica que o mesmo está no singular. Como a letra "s" no português indica plural muitos alunos confundem este "s" e usam o mesmo quando o sugeito está no plural, e é justamente o contrário - o "s" indica que o verbo está no singular.


HE drinks milk
SHE drinks milk
IT drinks milk


Na forma negativa será necessário o verbo auxiliar juntamente com a partícula "NOT", porém no caso da terceira pessoa do singular o verbo auxiliar será "DOES". Vale ressaltar que quando usamos o verbo auxiliar o verbo perde a letra "S" no final, ou seja, o verbo auxiliar exige o verbo na sua forma infinitiva - a marca que verbo esta no presente simples e no singular é feita pelo uso do auxiliar "DOES".


HE DOES NOT drink milk
SHE DOES NOT drink milk
IT DOES NOT drink milk


A forma interrrogativa, como já vimos, tem a inversão da estrutura da frase e implica no uso do verbo auxiliar no inicio da frase.


DOES he drink milk ?
DOES she drink milk ?
DOES it drink milk ?

Como já vimos acima, nas senten´cas afirmativas com HE, SHE, IT o presente simples exige o acréscimo da letra "S" ao final do verbo:

He works here.
She eats hamburger.
It lives there.

Existem algumas regras para o acréscimo da letra "S" ao final do verbo. Vamos estudá-las:

1 - Regra geral:
Quase todos os verbos, com exceção do verbo "to be" e da maioria dos anômalos (estudaremos cada um deles em nossas próximas lições), formam a 3a. pessoa do singular com o acréscimo da letra "S" ao final dele:

work => works drink => drinks
live => lives eat => eats

2 - Se o verbo terminar em: SS, SH, CH, X, Z ou O , acrescenta-se "ES":

kiss => kisses teach => teaches
wash => washes fix => fixes
buzz => buzzes go => goes

3 - Se o verbo terminar em "Y" precedido de consoante, troca-se o "Y" por "IES"

try => tries study => studies
hurry => hurries carry => carries

Se o verbo terminar em "Y" precedido por vogal, o verbo apenas recebe "S":

play => plays say => says

Exercícios 1:

1 - Forme frases com as palavras dadas. Siga o modelo:

study - they - English.
They study English .
They don't study English .
Do they study English? .

a) drink - you - coffee

b) drink - cat - milk


c) live - Bob - here


d) work - we - in a factory


e) play - he - soccer


f) like - she - ice cream



g) swim - Mary and John - very well


h) speak - Frank - Japanese


i) walk - Ted and Liz - every day



2 - Change to the interrogative form:
Model: They play basketball Do they play basketball ?

a) She speaks English. ___________________________________
b) They work hard. ___________________________________
c) He lives in Rio. ___________________________________
d) You read a book every week. ___________________________________
e) Mary needs help. ___________________________________
f) George wants hamburger. ___________________________________
g) Liz studies French. ___________________________________
h) Karen and John play soccer. ___________________________________

3 - Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs. Remember to use the auxiliary DO or DOES when it is necessary.

Kelly ___________ (like) chocolate ice cream. She ___________ (dance) very well. Her brother Ted __________ (play) soccer. Kelly ____________ (speak) English and French. Ted _____________ (not - like) languages.

Ted and Kelly ____________ (watch) TV every night. Kelly _____________ (wash) the dishes after meals, and Ted ____________ (dry) it.

Kelly and Ted ______________ (go) to school every morning, and they ____________ (do) the homework after lunch. Kelly ____________ (study) every afternoon. Ted ______________ (not - study). He is a lazy boy!


What do you have for lunch?

Sally: What do you have for lunch?
Waiter: Oh, we have many kinds of food….
Do you like seafood, madam?
Sally: Oh no, I don't. I hate seafood!
Waiter: Well, do you like soup?
Sally: No, I don't like soup.
Waiter: So, we have chicken, beef, eggs, vegetables, mashed potatoes, and salad.
Sally: Bring chicken, mashed potatoes and green salad, please.
Waiter: Do you want something to drink, madam?
Sally: No, I don't. Thanks.

Exercicios 2:

Complete com o auxiliar adequado e responda as perguntas usando "short answers" :

Model Do you speak Japanese? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
a) _____ they study English? _________________ ________________
b) _____ you drink coffee? _________________ ________________
c) _____ Bob live here? _________________ ________________
d) _____ they work in a factory? _________________ ________________
e) _____ he play soccer? _________________ ________________
f) _____ she like you? _________________ ________________
g) _____ Sandra dance every day? _________________ ________________


Já vimos anteriormente que o presente simples é usado para expressar ações habituais.

Os advérbios de freqüência indicam a freqüência com que fazemos as coisas:
- Always (sempre) 100%
- Usually (habitualmente) 75%
- Often (freqüentemente) 75%
- Sometimes (algumas vezes) 50%
- rarely (raramente) 25%
- never (nunca) 0%


Os advérbios de freqüência geralmente são posicionados entre o sujeito e o verbo, quando o mesmo não for o verbo "to be", pois, neste caso, ele vem depois dele.

I always study English.
I usually take a shower.
I often have lunch at noon.
I sometimes read the newspaper.
I rarely sleep before midnight.
I never have breakfast.
He is never late.

1 - Rewrite the sentences adding the adverbs of frequency:

Model: I get up early. (usually)
I usually get up early .

a) She goes to bed late. (rarely)
b) He is tired. (always)
c) Bob drinks whisky. (sometimes)

d) I read the newspaper in the morning. (often)

e) You study English. (always)

f) They go to work at 8:00 a.m. (usually)

g) You are well. (never)

2- Complete the text below with adverbs of frequency:

Sally and David are brother and sister. they are good students and love to study. They _________________ (sempre) get up at 6 o'clock. They _______________ (habitualmente) have breakfast before they go to school. They __________________ (freqüentemente) go to school by bus but ___________________ (algumas vezes) they go on foot. They go to school everyday, from Monday to Friday and they ______________ (raramente) miss a class.



My name's Sharon.
I'm a TV announcer. I usually wake up around 10 o'clock, but I get up around 10:15 a.m. I never have breakfast. I take a shower, then I sometimes read the newspaper. I often have lunch at midday, and I always start work at 3 o'clock. I have dinner at work and it's usually around 6:30 p.m. I rarely get home before midnight. I usually go to bed around 1:00 a.m.


1 - What time does Sharon wake up?

2 - What time does Sharon get up?

3 - Does Sharon have breakfast?

4 - Does Sharon sometimes read the newspaper?

5 - What time does Sharon start work?

6 - Does Sharon often go to bed at midnight?


I'm a doctor at Mercy House Hospital. I always start work at 10:00 p.m., and I leave at 6:00 a.m. Then I go home and have breakfast. I usually read the newspaper and watch television a little, and then I go to bed. I get up at about four in the afternoon. I sometimes go shopping before I have dinner. After that I go to the hospital. That's my routine!

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