segunda-feira, 8 de agosto de 2011

Review exercises 2 - Exercícios de revisão (Simple present / present continuous)

Leia o texto abaixo.

My name is Kevin McRoy. I am a famous manager of rock stars. I work with fantastic superstars! I work a lot. I always get up at six o'clock. Then, I exercise for two hours.  After that I have
breakfast and get ready for work. I take my wife to her computer school and than I go to my studio. My workday begins at nine. At my studio I speak to famous stars and theater managers and I write many letters. My long workday generally finishes at eight. Sometimes I have dinner with my wife at a nice restaurant near the studio. I usually get home at ten, but I never go to bed before midnight.

1)           Reescreva as frases abaixo, colocando na terceira pessoa do singular, conforme o exemplo dado:

Model)  I am a famous manager of rock stars.
                   He is a famous manager of rock stars            

a)         I work a lot.
b)         I exercise for two hours.
c)         My workday begins at nine.

d)         My long workday generally finishes at eight.

02.  Complete as frases abaixo usando o presente simples.
A. Mariana___________(to watch) TV on Sundays.
B._________Pedro___________soccer on Saturdays? (to play)
C._________your brothers_________Spanish? (to speak)
D. We__________(to do) our exercises in the morning.
E. Isabella____________(to go) to school in the afternoon.
F. Good kids _______ (to brush) their teeth and _____ (to wash) their hands.
G. Sally ___________ (to play) cards every day.
H. Wars ___________ (to destroy) cities and lives.
I.  Ms. Kate often ____________ (to drink) milk.
J. Men ________ (to like) football.

03. Combine as colunas, encontrando o complemento adequado a cada verbo:

1  .  I read                                                        (  ) a coke at lunch time.
2  .  She always drinks                                   (  ) his studio.
3  .  We walk                                                   (  ) a good book every week.
4  .  Aline eats                                                 (  ) in the park every Friday.                               
5  .  Mary gets up                                            (  ) hamburger on Saturdays.
6  .  I work with                                                 (  ) in an apartment .
7  .  We sit down                                             (  ) mother wash the dishes after lunch.
8  .  Eduardo lives                                           (  ) in front of the TV every afternoon.
9  .  Kevin goes to                                           (  ) early to study every day.                              
10.  My brother helps my                                (  ) my father

04.        Combine as colunas, encontrando o complemento adequado a cada verbo.
 1. read                          (   )  a coke
 2. drink                        (   )  early or late
 3. walk                         (   )  in the park
 4. eat                            (   )  a good book
 5. get up                       (   )  to school
 6. meet                         (   )  to Orlando
 7. go                             (   ) television
 8. travel                        (   )  some new friends
 9. watch                       (   )  a hamburger
10. have                        (   ) a pet                         

05. Conjugue os verbos abaixo .
. I watch.     She..........................
. We study.   He...........................
. They walk. Mariana...................
. I have.        Samuel……………
. We have.    Allan………………
. You sing.    Thiago.....................
. They drink. Bruno......................
. We read.     Gabriel....................
. They go.     Alana......................
. I eat.           The cat....................
. They see.    Sarah ......................
. We travel.    Isabela.....................
. They study. Samuel and Fernando……………………..
. I sing.         Mariele……………

06.   Use Do ou DOES adequadamente.
. .....................Paula and you play soccer on Sundays?
. What.....................that cat eat?
. Where.....................Marianne usually go on Saturday nights?
. Josephine......................not study on the weekends.
. What usually go to sleep?
. How many books...................Cristine and you have?
. Tatiane and I ..................... not play volleyball on Saturdays.
. Karl and Kevin ...................not watch TV on Mondays.
. ...................your sister usually go jogging in the park?
. ...................your parents have pets?
07.  Dê as formas negativa ,interrogativa e interrogativa negativa das frases:
Raphael has a pet.
  .N:              .................................................................................
  .I:                .................................................................................
  .IN:             .................................................................................
Eugênio plays soccer every day.
  .N:              .................................................................................
  .I:  .................................................................................
  .IN:             .................................................................................
Children  have milk for breakfast.
  .N: .................................................................................
  .I:  .................................................................................
  .IN:             .................................................................................
Marcelo reads a good book every month.
  .N: .................................................................................
  .I:  .................................................................................
  .IN:             .................................................................................
My brother goes to the discotheque on Sundays.
  .N: ..................................................................................
  .I:  ..................................................................................
  .IN:             ..................................................................................
Marcella has a dog.
  .N: ……………………………………………………
  .I:  ……………………………………………………
  .IN:             ................................................................................
Patrícia studies a lot.
  . N:             ................................................................................
  .I:  ................................................................................
  .IN:             ................................................................................
Samuel travels on Sundays.
  .N: ……………………………………………………
  .I:  ................................................................................
  .IN:             ................................................................................
My father drinks beer.
  .N: ……………………………………………………
  .I:  ................................................................................
  .IN:             ................................................................................
Flávia goes to school every day.
  .N: ……………………………………………………
  .I:  ................................................................................
  .IN: ..............................................................................      

08.          Leia o texto abaixo.

A day In the life of a Brazilian student
   My day starts very early. I get up at six o'clock in the morning. I have breakfast at half past six . After breakfast , I go to school but I don't take a bus. I walk to school, 
because we live near it. I start school at seven o'clock. I stay there until noon.  After school, I go home and I have lunch. After lunch I study and I do my homework. At five o'clock I take a shower. At seven o'clock all my family is at home and we have dinner together. We talk about our day . After dinner , we watch TV or listen to good music. I don't go to bed very late. I go to bed before ten o'clock.

A - Reescreva o texto acima colocando o sujeito do mesmo na terceira pessoa   do singular.

Her day starts very early. She_______________________________

09.          Answer the questions:

a) What time does she have breakfast?
b) How does she go to school? Why?
c) What does she do after lunch?
d) What time does she have dinner?
e) What time does she go to the bed?

10)         Relacione as colunas encontrando o complemento adequado para cada verbo.
A - my class starts
B - I get up
C - I have coffee , bread  and butter
D - I go
E - I walk in
F - I study
G - I do
H - We have dinner
I -  My breakfast
J - I don't go to

(     ) to school every day.
(     ) the park on Sundays.
(     ) is at seven o'clock in the morning.
(     ) my homework in the evening.
(     ) at seven fifteen in the morning.
(     ) the club because I don't have the money.
(     ) at seven o'clock in the evening.
(     ) English every day.
(     ) very early in the morning.
(     ) for breakfast. 


1 - 
a) He works a lot.
b) He exercises for two hours.
c) It begins at nine.
d) It generally finishes at eight.

a) watches
b) Does / play
c) Do / speak
d) do
e) goes
f) brush
g) plays
h) destroy
I) drinks
J) like

3 - 


4 - 


5 - 

She watches
He studies
Mariana walks
Samuel has
Allan has
Thiago sings
Bruno drinks
Gabriel reads
Alana goes
The cat eats
Sarah sees
Isabela travels
Samuel and Fernando study
Mariele sings

6 -

Do Paula and you ...
What does ...
Where does
Josephine does ...
What time do ...
How many books do...
Tatiane and I do...
Karl and Kevin do ...
Does your sister ...
Do your parents ...

7 - 
Raphael doesn´t have a pet
Does Raphael have a pet?
Doesn´t Raphael have a pet?

Eugênio doesn´t play soccer every day.
Does Eugênio Play soccer every day?
Doesn´t Eugênio play soccer every day?

Children don´t have milk for breakfast.
Do children have milk for breakfast?
Don´t children have milk for breakfast?

Marcelo doesn´t read a good book every month.
Does marcelo read a good book evry month?
Doesn´t Marceo read a good book every month?

My brother doesn´t go to the ....
Does my brother go to the ...
Doesn´t my brother go to the ...

Marcella doesn´t have a dog.
Does MArecella have a dog?
Doesn´t Marcela have a dog?

Patricia doesn´t study a lot.
Does Patricia study a lot?
Doesn´t Patricia study a lot?

Samuel doesn´t travel on sandays.
Does Samuel travel on Sundays?
Doesn´t Samuel travel on Sundays?

My father doesn´t drink beer.
Does my father drink beer?
Doesn´t my father drink beer?

Flávia doesn´t go to school every day.
Does Flávia go to school every day?
Doesn´t Flávia go to School every day?

8 -
Her day starts very early. She gets up at six o'clock in the morning. She has breakfast at half past six. After breakfast, she goes to school but she doesn't take a bus. She walks to school, because  she lives near it. She starts school at seven o'clock. She stays there until noon.  After school, She goes home and she has lunch. After lunch she studies and she does her homework. At five o'clock she takes a shower. At seven o'clock all her family is at home and they have dinner together. She talks about her day . After dinner, she watches TV or listen to good music. She doesn't go to bed very late. She goes to bed before ten o'clock.

9 - 
a) She has breakfast at half past six.
b) She walks to school, because  she lives near it.
c) After lunch she studies and she does her homework.
d) She has dinner at seven o´clock.
e) She goes to bed before ten o'clock.

10 -


50 comentários:

  1. As atividades são ótimas...seria possível mandar o gabarito de respostas...

  2. Eu gostei, porém senti falta das respostas para confrontar.
    Tem como mandar as respostas?

  3. Excelente lição e site! Parabéns!

    1. Obrigado! E muito bom saber que nosso site está sendo útil!

  4. mano recomendo muito me ajudou D+ serio eu sei que ah comentarios falsos mais o meu é verdadeiro

  5. Respostas
    1. Obrigado por gostar! Estamos a disposição para sempre ajudar @

    2. adorei conhecer esse espaço! Mto bom. Parabéns!!!!

  6. Cade as respostas? Fora isso as perguntas estão muito boas!

  7. mt bom , 7 na prova e olha q eu n sei porra nenhuma

  8. Ótimo texto ,mas deveriam colocar no final a resposta para podermos ver se está correto.

  9. Olá! Excelente os exercícios, me ajudou muito! mas você teria a correção?

  10. Olá! Excelente os exercícios, me ajudaram bastante! Mas você teria a correção deles?

    1. Olá! Que bom que foi util pra vc Domingos! Assim que conseguir um tempinho vou resolver e posto as respostas!

    2. Olá! Que bom que foi util pra vc Domingos! Assim que conseguir um tempinho vou resolver e posto as respostas!

  11. Gostei, parabéns. Mas poderia ter a correção :P

  12. Poderia postar a correção, por favor?

  13. Boa Tarde! Como consigo as respostas? Parabéns pelo trabalho!

  14. Respostas
    1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

    2. Olá Danilo. Acabei de publicar as respostas no final da postagem.

  15. Perfeito!!! Ajudou muito, minha filha fará prova de inglês, e essas atividades, ajudaram demais!!! Grata!!

  16. Adorei! Ótimo para treinarmos o que aprendemos. Que bom que tem as respostas!!!

  17. OBrigada por essa atividade gostei bastante

  18. Tenho uma pergunta na questão 7 a resposta está: Raphael doesn´t have a pet
    Does Raphael have a pet?
    Doesn´t Raphael have a pet?
    Não seria has no lugar de have, pois Raphael esta na 3° pessoa do singular

    1. está certo quando diz que Rphael esta na terceira pessoa do singular e, por causa disso, seria correto usar HAS. Porém vc tem que atentar pelo seguinte: no caso de frases negativas e perguntas, vcv tem que usar o auxiliar, que para a terceira pessoa do singular seria "DOES" e, quando vc usa o auxiliar o verbo volta para sua forma normal (infinitivo). ok? Qualquer duvida, estou a disposição. Bons estudos!

  19. poderia postar as responda do número 3 por favor

    1. OLA... No final das postagens vc tem as respostas de todas as atividades.

  20. Oi gostei muito das atividades, teria como passar o gabarito com as respostas ??

  21. Se a sua intenção era ajudar, durma tranquilo pois ajudou e muito. Muito obrigado por esses exercícios, me ajudou bastante e nao errei nenhum \õ/ obs as respostas estão abaixo dos exercícios.

  22. Muito boa atividade gostei de mais
