domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Phrasal verbs - Unit 10

Unit 10 -
to find sth out: to discover
to get away with sth: not be punished for doing sth
to get round sb:to persuade sb to allow you to do sth by charming them
to hang out with sb: to spend time with sb , doing nothing in particular
to let sb off: to give sb a lighter punishment that it was expected or not to punish at all
to look into sth : to investigate #
to make sth up: to invent#
to own up to sth: to admit to doing sth#
to pick sb up: to meet or collect sb ( eg. At the station from school )
to run out of sth: to use up ( to the end) eg. Money, petrol,time,etc...
to show off: to try to impress people by telling or showing them what you are capable of #
to sign up for sth: to sign a document showing your intention to do sth ( eg a course )
to take sb in: to trick or deceive sb
Exercises – Transformations
a.The police are investigating Tom's murder.
   The police are..........................................Tom's murder.
b.Carmen has always bragged of her knowledge.
   Carmen...........................................................................her knowledge.
c.      Michael always created lots of unbelievable stories not to be punished.
In order not to be punished..............................................of unbelievable stories.
d. Joe, you have to confess that it was you who ate that piece of chocolate.
    Joe, you have to …..............................................piece of chocolate.

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