sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011

Phrasal verbs - Unit 12 / 13

Unit 12
to call for sth: to demand, to request sth
to work sth out: to calculate

Unit 13
to do sth up: to fasten; button up clothes

to do sth up: to repair;to redecorate or modernize a building or a room
could do with sth: to need; would like
couldn't do without sth: to need sth in order to survive or perform a job or a task
to make out: to pretend, claim falsely that sth is true
to make sth up: to invent
to make up: to become friends again

Sentence Completion
1. The situation...................................immediate action.
2. Kids usually...........................stories in order to get away with misbehavior.
3. Can you.............................................the damages you've caused?
4. My houses were.....................................last year. They look brand new now.
5. Those were not real tears. She …..........................................all the time.
6. I'm so stressed. I think I..................................................some days at the beach.
7. Come on! Hop in the car ….................the seat belts................'cause I'm in a hurry.
8. After being divorced for several years, Ken's dream still is.............................with Chris.
9. Maggie's very dependent on money. She just … 

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